SyberWorks Learning and Performance Glossary
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C-4 Yourself: the four components of a project strategy: challenge, choice, collaboration, and creation.
Cable Modem: designed to operate over cable TV lines. Used to achieve fast access to the web, since its coaxial cable provides much greater bandwidth than telephone lines.
CAI (Computer-Assisted Instruction): the use of a computer to provide educational tutorials, practice, simulations, or games. CAI is used for both preliminary and remedial training, and normally does not require that a computer be connected to a network or that it link with learning resources outside the course.
Calculated Intangible Value: a technique for assigning a dollar value to intangible assets by measuring the organization's ability to outperform a comparable competitor, and quantifying this as the value of the firm's intangible assets.
Capsule Vocabulary: a teaching strategy in which a student explores a few vocabulary words related to a specific subject, to practice using the words.
Career Exploration: assisting students in making decisions about their future professions, and about how to get jobs in their chosen fields through counseling and related activities.
Carousel Brainstorming: topics or questions are posted throughout the room about a specific subject. Student groups then brainstorm as they visit each of the topics around the room. This is a good method to get the students talking and interacting about the subject.
Cascade: a series of networks, where the output of each network serves as the input for the next.
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS): an HTML feature that allows web page users and developers to control the way a web page appears when displayed in a browser, by applying specific HTML style sheets. Each style sheet controls a single different design element of the web page.
Case Studies: a real-life scenario or problem used to illustrate a learning concept that students must analyze, discuss and solve. The scenario used may be hypothetical or factual.
CAST (Center for Applied Special Technology): a nonprofit organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals, especially those with disabilities, through the research and development of innovative, technology-based educational resources and strategies.
Categorization: a cognitive process of arranging or sorting concepts into categories according to a variety of criteria.
Causal Mapping: a form of concept mapping, where the causes and effects of a situation are clearly identified.
Cause and Effect: showing the relationship between two actions or occurrences; explaining why something happened or what happened as a result of something else.
CBT (Computer-Based Training): training conducted using computers for both instruction and management of the teaching and learning process. CAI (Computer-Assisted Instruction) and CMI (Computer-Managed Instruction) are part of CBT, though the terms CBT and CAI are often used interchangeably.
CC/PP (Composite Capability/Preference Profile): a description of device capabilities and user preferences that will be delivered to a web site, so that content can be adapted. It also enables an application server to retrieve profile information from a client's handheld device or from a device vendor.
CD-ROM: a data storage medium similar to an audio CD, but which can hold more than 600 megabytes of read-only digital information. It uses optical technology for storing and playing back audio, video, text, and other information in digital form.
Cerebral Palsy: a disorder of the central nervous system that affects body movements and muscle coordination. It usually develops during the fetal stage or infancy, and is caused by damage to one or more areas of the brain.
Certification: awarding of a credential in a field after an individual has demonstrated levels of knowledge or skill that are defined by organizational or professional criteria.
Characterization: a form of analysis describing the distinctive features of an object or concept.
Chaining: using reinforcement to encourage individual responses to occur in a sequential order, to facilitate the achievement of a complex behavior or skill.
Chat: a form of interactive online communication in a virtual environment. Members engage in text-message "chat rooms" through a real-time computer network where their messages are not stored. Chat can be used in e-Learning for student questions, instructor feedback, or even group discussions.
Chat Room: a virtual room on the Internet, an intranet, or other network, where real-time text discussions occur. Chat rooms support conversations among multiple people at once, unlike one-on-one instant messaging.
Cheat Notes: a summarization technique where students prepare a single note card of information they believe will be on a test. Students are allowed to bring these cards to the test, but as students gain confidence during the exam, the cards are taken away.
Checklist: a tool that lists items to be remembered. They can also be used directly as assessments or as a way to prepare and review for assessments. Chronological Sequencing: an instructional approach in which objectives are presented one after another, in chronological order.
Chunk: (noun) a distinct portion of content that often consists of several learning topics grouped together. (verb) to divide content into separate portions or combine smaller content elements into groups.
CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition): a cooperative approach to reading in which students practice in pairs, to prepare for a teacher-assessment quiz, exam, paper, etc. These assessments are not administered until the student's teammates decide they are prepared for it.
Circles of Knowledge: a method of learning that prompts students to answer: 1) 3 Facts I Know, 2) 3 Questions I Want Answered and 3) Answers to My Questions.
Circles of Learning: a learning method devised by Roger and David Johnson, based on the idea that "two heads are better than one." It builds whole-class learning through several small groups. Learning methods such as these also foster interaction among students.
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