SyberWorks Web Author — For SCORM/AICC-Compliant e-Learning Development
We provide SyberWorks Web Author – the fastest, easiest, and most effective e-Learning course-authoring tool on the market today. With SyberWorks Web Author, you can create SCORM/AICC-compliant Web-based training courses with audio, video, animated software demonstrations, and more! You can quickly, easily, and inexpensively update your courses when new information is available, making it possible to teach rapidly evolving subjects to even small audiences. Student comments are gathered at the end of each lesson along with ratings on key training factors such as organization and presentation. This crucial feedback is reported in a variety of ways to allow the quality, relevance, and value of your e-Learning to increase dramatically over time.
SyberWorks Web Author e-Learning Software
- Fast
- Easy to use
- Requires no programming knowledge
- Creates online training from ordinary Word files
- Allows you to tailor the appearance of your e-Learning courses
- Utilizes Learning Object Architecture
- Includes SyberWorks Web Demonstrator and SyberWorks Image Mapper for graphical questions.
- Automatically builds Pre-Test, Post-Test, and Lesson-Feedback sections
- Provides built-in course structure and automatically creates course files
- Bundles all e-learning course materials for export from development to production servers
- Automatically adds navigation controls and course-page bookmarking
- Produces course versions for Microsoft Internet Information Server or standalone use (to run courses from a local disk drive or CD-ROM)
- Shows download size for each lesson section
- Converts a whole course all at once or lesson-by-lesson
- Allows you to insert, delete, re-design, and re-order lessons in a flash
- Creates links to the SyberWorks Training Center’s communication features
There is no easier way to author interactive Web-based training than to use SyberWorks Web Author e-Learning Software. You start with software that practically everyone uses – Microsoft Word. Then, simply attach the SyberWorks course and lesson templates (included with Web Author) to add a Web Author tool menu to Word. Forms opened through this menu allow you to insert course and lesson features in your Word document after you fill in requested information. It’s that easy!
When you finish writing your course material in Word, SyberWorks Web Author e-Learning Solution automatically converts it into online training. All navigation features are programmed automatically, text is converted to HTML, test questions are loaded into the SyberWorks LMS/LCMS database, JavaScript enables secondary windows, Pre-Test and Post-Test sections are created, and much, much more. Once a course is created, the entire conversion process takes only about a minute!
Web Author Courses Contain:
- Text and graphics
- Java-based animations and software simulations (without requiring plug-ins)
- Audio and video
- Presentations (slideshows with audio)
- Active images
- Pre-Tests and Post-Tests
- Eight types of questions for exhibits and tests: single-correct, multiple-correct, fill-in-the-blank, graphical-choice, drag-and-drop, item-match, true/false, and essay
- Question families, to randomize tests in a fair manner
- Learning objects
- Navigation by course, lesson, and topic menus
- Navigation bars for all topics and sub-topics
- Course/lesson maps, for single-click access to any course location
- Student feedback on a lesson-by-lesson basis
- Secondary windows for additional information, large graphics, animations, and demonstrations
- Links to the SyberWorks Training Center’s interactive communication features
SyberWorks Web Author e-Learning Software is the fastest and easiest course-authoring tool on the market today. You use Microsoft Word to compose your courses, building on skills you already have. SyberWorks Web Author e-Learning Solution then converts your courses for Web delivery and lets you revise and update their content and format in a matter of minutes. Course development and updates couldn’t be faster or easier!
For more information about the features and cost of SyberWorks Web Author, email us at, call us at 888-642-7078, or fax us at 781-891-1994.