SyberWorks Learning and Performance Glossary
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UCD (User-Centered Design): a process by which the needs, wants and limitations of target users are considered during every stage of building a user interface, document, website, or product.
UIML (User Interface Markup Language): unlike many markup languages, UIML does not describe documents. Instead, it describes page elements (such as buttons, menu lists, and other items) that contribute to graphical user interfaces. UIML defines both their placement on pages, and the actions to be taken after events like mouse clicks or keystrokes.
Unconscious Problem-Solving: a technique in which an individual studies a problem until it is well-understood, and then relaxes, to let their subconscious mind work on problem.
Unicasting: communications between a sender and a single receiver over a network. For example, an email message sent from one person to another.
Universal Access: the idea that all things on the Internet should be accessible by the largest audience possible, regardless of disability, location, device, or speed of their Internet connection.
Universal Device: the process of designing for the largest audience possible, regardless of disabilities or native languages.
Universal Playback: WBT that plays unaltered on any common computer system; became possible when web browsers (the playback engines) were developed for DOS/Windows, Apple Macintosh and UNIX operating systems.
Unknown-to-Known: an instructional approach in which objectives are presented to students, beginning with unknown concepts and proceeding to known concepts. Used as a motivational technique, to inspire students to want to know more.
Uplink: the communication link from a transmitting earth station to a satellite.
Upload: a file transfer sent from your computer to another.
URI (Uniform Resource Identifier): identifies the application used to access a resource on the Internet, the machine the resource is located on, and the file name of the resource. Provides a full Internet address for the information, whether it is text, graphics, audio or video.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator): an address that identifies a page or file on the World Wide Web.
Usability: the measure of how effectively, efficiently and easily a person can navigate a website, find information on it, and achieve their goals.
User Interface: the components of a computer system that the operator uses to interact with the system, including the screen display elements, keyboard, mouse, touch controls, and so on.
Using: the use of objects or concepts to display skills or valuations.
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