SyberWorks Learning and Performance Glossary
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KB (kilobyte): 1,024 bytes, which is approximately equivalent to one page of double-spaced text.
Kbps (Kilobits Per Second): the number of kilobits transmitted or received each second; a measurement of data-transmission speed in a communication system.
Keyhole Strategy: a writing format in which the author begins with the main idea in the introduction, narrows the idea until the end of the first paragraph. The "body" of the writing elaborates on the introduction with well-rounded paragraphs. In the last paragraph, the author builds to a broad conclusion. When diagrammed, the format looks like an old-fashioned keyhole.
Keyword Memory Method: students generate keywords that are similar to the concepts to be memorized, and put the keywords into an arrangement that can be mentally "pictured."
Keyword Strategy: the actual use of Keyword Memory methods to build vocabulary and language competencies.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): indicators that help an organization achieve its goals by defining what they are and measuring progress.
Kirkpatrick Training Evaluation: an industry-standard training-evaluation method used in both human resources and training communities.
KJ Method: a creativity or problem-solving technique in which the group classifies separate ideas by writing them on cards, and then organizing them under specific categories.
Knowledge Assets: intellectual content possessed by an organization, plus any information that workers know about the company and the performance of their jobs. The information can be codified in a variety of formats, such as PowerPoint slides, Word documents, audio/video files and so forth.
Knowledge Base: a specialized database that stores knowledge assets.
Knowledge Management: making more efficient use of the human knowledge within an organization. It entails capturing, organizing and storing the information and experiences of workers and groups within an organization, and making it available to others.
Knowledge Rating: before thoroughly reading a text, students skim it, select words from it, and rate their familiarity with the words. In some instances, words already may be selected by the teacher for students to rate.
Known-to-Unknown: an instructional approach in which constructs are presented to learners beginning with known concepts and then gradually transitioning to unknown concepts. Compare to: Chronological, General-to-Specific, Part-to-Part-to-Part, Part-to-Whole, Part-to-Whole-to-Part, Spiral, Step-by-Step, Topical, Unknown-to-Known, and Whole-to-Part.
KWL (Know, Want to know, Learn): students identify what they know about a topic, what they want to know, and after reading or instruction, identify what they learned or would still like to learn.
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