SyberWorks Learning and Performance Glossary
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Echo Cancellation: the process of removing acoustic echoes from a videoconferencing room.
Education: the learning process by which knowledge and skills are obtained through teaching concepts and perspectives.
Effectiveness: a measure of whether a procedure or action produces its desired effect.
Efficiency: a measure of the timeliness, suitability, and affordability of an action.
EIT: a number of devices, device types or technologies that use electronic means to transmit and present information to users. Examples include computers, cell/mobile phones, PDAs, televisions, and many other devices.
Elaboration: a thinking skill that involves expressing and developing an idea or process in greater length and detail.
E-Learning (Electronic Learning): a broad term for computer instruction and courseware provided via Internet, LAN/WAN intranet/extranet, audio/videotape, satellite broadcast, interactive TV, CD-ROM, and more.
E-mail (Electronic Mail): a system for sending and receiving messages electronically between personal computers; a means of connecting students to people around the world for distance learning purposes or to collaborate on projects.
Email List: a software program for automating mailing lists and discussion groups on a computer network.
Emergent Literacy: the idea that learning to read or write does not occur quickly but is developed through many small steps that take place during early childhood. The process begins naturally, through in-home activities such as talking with and reading with the child, then continues to improve in the classroom with more formal strategies.
End User: the individual for whom a particular technology or application is designed and who uses the technology for its purpose. In e-Learning, the end user is usually the student.
End-to-End Solution: a marketing term, used by large e-Learning suppliers, that implies that their products and services will handle all facets of e-Learning.
Enterprise-Wide e-Learning: electronic learning for all, or most, employees in a company. It often facilitates a strategic change of direction within a very short timeline. It can also be used to support a core department, such as sales, finance or marketing.
EPSS (Electronic Performance Support System): a computer or other device that provides workers with information and resources to help them achieve a task or accomplish performance requirements.
Ergonomics: the applied science of equipment-design principles relating to the comfort, efficiency and safety of users, and intended to maximize productivity.
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning): the use of packaged, rather than proprietary, software that helps a company manage and serve all departments within an enterprise.
Error Analysis: teachers analyzing the errors students make in areas such as mathematical computation, grammar, language, literature interpretation, etc. and using that analysis to guide further instruction.
Essay: a short, concise literary composition on a single subject that usually presents the author's views.
Estimating: to propose an approximate answer to a problem or question.
Estimation Lineup: an activity intended to trigger students' prior knowledge before new material is presented.
Ethernet: a set of local-area network (LAN) standards, in which computers communicate over twisted-pair cables at either 10 or 100 mbps.
E-Training: See TBT.
Evaluation: any efficient method for collecting information about the impact and effectiveness of a learning plan. The results can be used to improve the plan, determine whether the learning objectives have been accomplished, and assess the value of the plan to the organization.
Exaggeration: a method used by teachers to emphasize key points in a lesson.
Example: an instance, model, or paradigm that represents a group of ideas.
Expectation Outline: a pre-reading activity in which students skim the assigned reading, then immediately write key concepts that they expect to learn, when completing the assigned reading.
Experiential Learning: Carl Roger's theory that there are two types of learning: cognitive, in which the individual is studying or memorizing simply because the work is assigned; and experiential, in which the individual is learning to satisfy their needs and wants, because they want to do so.
Experiment: a test conducted under controlled conditions, to demonstrate something known or discover something new.
Experimental Inquiry: generating and testing hypotheses to explain phenomena.
Explanation: a means to justify and answer a question that should take into account prior knowledge and learning. In the classroom, explanations are given by both students and teachers. Students are often asked to assess their knowledge by explaining different concepts. Teachers are asked for explanations during all phases of instruction, to clarify a situation.
Explicit Knowledge: knowledge that can be described and stored in specific media.
Extensibility: adding new features, components, or services to a core set of capabilities, to expand and adapt an e-Learning application or infrastructure.
Extension Teaching: outreach programs where educators travel to the student's location to teach topics of professional or personal interest.
Extranet: a local-area network (LAN) or wide-area network (WAN) that uses TCP/IP, HTML, SMTP and other open Internet-based standards to transport information to people inside (and some people outside) an organization, under the organization's control.
Extrapolation of Data: an exercise in which students are asked to predict what would occur outside the range of a given set of data.
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