SyberWorks Learning and Performance Glossary
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W3C: the World Wide Web Consortium, whose mission is to develop standards, specifications, software and tools for the World Wide Web.
W3C-WAI: the World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative, whose mission is to set Webpage accessibility standards.
WAI: developed by W3C and its members to address web-accessibility issues.
Wait Time: the length of time a teacher waits after asking a question, which can influence both the quality of responses from students and their confidence in the teacher.
WAN (Wide-Area Network): a computer network that spans a relatively large area and usually includes two or more local-area networks (LANs). The Internet is an example of a WAN.
WAP (Wireless Application Protocol): a specification that allows wireless devices to read Internet content.
WAVE: an alternative to the "Bobby" tool that lists missing and used webpage attributes, and shows the order in which a screen reader reads the page. Developed by Temple University Institute on Disabilities.
WBT (Web-Based Training): the delivery of educational content via a Web browser over the public Internet, a private intranet or an extranet. Web-based training provides links to other learning resources, such as emails, bulletin boards and discussion groups. WBT also may include a facilitator, who provides course guidelines, manages discussion boards, delivers lectures, and so forth.
WCAG: guidelines from the W3C / WAI to address issues related to building accessible webpages.
Web Conference: a meeting of participants from different locations that is held in a virtual environment on the World Wide Web, with communication taking place via text, audio or video.
Web-Based Learning: See "WBT."
Webcast: (Web + broadcast) a broadcast of video signals that is streamed on the World Wide Web, and that also may be available for downloading.
Webinar: (Web + seminar) a small, synchronous, online learning event in which the presenter and audience communicate using text chats, audio, online slides and electronic whiteboards.
Webpage: an HTML file or document that is viewed with a browser, such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.
Website: a group of related web pages that stems from a home page, which is accessed over the World Wide Web and viewed with a browser (such as Internet Explorer ,Netscape Navigator, or Safari).
Whiteboard: an electronic version of a dry-erase board, which lets students in a virtual classroom view what an instructor, presenter or fellow student writes or draws.
Whole-to-Part: an instructional approach in which objectives are presented to students beginning with an overview of the whole idea, and then proceeding to an analysis of the individual parts.
Wi-fi (Wireless Fidelity): products that can connect to each other without wires, acting as either wireless clients or base stations. Products bearing a "Wi-fi certified" label should always be interoperable.
Wizard: a small application program that prompts users through the steps of a specific computer-based action. Users input any needed information as they proceed through the wizard's screens, while the wizard completes the procedure steps in the background.
WML (Wireless Markup Language): XML-based language that allows a reduced version of a Webpage's text to be displayed on cellular phones and personal digital assistants.
Word Associates: similar to the Concept Attainment strategy, where students are shown a series of examples and non-examples. Students are shown a series of cards in which one of the cards does not "fit." Once the students identify the card that does not fit, they attempt to discover words or phrases associated with the objects or ideas that do belong together.
Word Bank: a collection of words from which students can choose.
Word Chain: a game that helps students learn to categorize. The teacher supplies a category and a first word, and students then add words to the chain. Each word that is added must begin with the ending letter of the prior word.
Word Sort: students sort lists of keywords into logical groups.
Workstation: a device, often a microcomputer, which serves as an interface between a user and a file server or host computer. 2) a computer or computer terminal.
WORM (Write Once, Read Many): a type of data-storage disk that allows information to be saved to it only once, as a permanent archive. WORM disks also must be read by the same kind of drive that wrote to them, which has hindered widespread acceptance of the technology.
Worm: a computer virus that replicates itself many times over, to consume system resources and eventually shut down the computer or server.
WWW (World Wide Web): as defined by the World Wide Web Consortium, "The World Wide Web is the universe of network-accessible information, an embodiment of human knowledge." Alternatively, the WWW is the collection of users and resources on the Internet that use HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get): computer text and graphics that will print exactly as they appear on the screen.
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