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e-Learning Lingo Podcast #14-Chunk and Chunking

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Announcer: The e-Learning Lingo Podcast.

Mary Kay Lofurno: Hello, this Mary Kay Lofurno, Marketing Director here at SyberWorks. Welcome to the 14th episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast series.

Last week, Dave Powell defined the concept of a “Dashboard.” This week we will be talking about two related instructional design terms: “Chunk” and “Chunking.” So, I ask you, do you know your e-Learning Lingo?

[theme music]

Mary Kay: Hi, Dave. So, tell our audience, what are “Chunk” and “Chunking”?

Dave Powell: The term “Chunk,” a noun, refers to a distinct portion of content that often consists of several related learning topics grouped together. “Chunking,” a verb, usually describes either the action of dividing a large subject into smaller portions or of combining smaller content elements into larger groups.

Mary Kay: Thanks, Dave. As always, it's great to have you.

Dave: Great to be here, Mary Kay. Talk with you soon.

Mary Kay: This is Mary Kay Lofurno, Marketing Director at SyberWorks. Thanks for listening to episode 14 of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast.

This week, Dave Powell, talked about the terms “Chunk” and “Chunking.” The episode 14 podcast audio and transcript will be posted on the e-Learning Lingo Podcast blog. Please feel free to leave your comments by phone, web-based voice mail, or blog posting. We look forward to hearing from you.

Next time on the e-Learning Lingo Podcast, we will talk about a popular e-Learning development tool. Until that time, have a great week!

Announcer: SyberWorks Podcast. Learn any time, any place.


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