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Four Basic Flash Learning Activities For e-Learning Development

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(Part 4 of 4 Part Series)

By Dana Fine, Senior Instructional Designer at SyberWorks, Inc.

This final article in the series will examine the 'Fill in the Blank with Math' learning activity and provide some variations, so that you can see how this activity may be used in different learning scenarios. As with the prior examples, we will provide a link to a working sample for your viewing. Let's get started.

4. Fill in the Blank with Math


This learning activity consists of a paragraph where the student fills in the blanks. The student in this case will be entering a predefined range of numbers. The numbers are then used in calculations. If the student enters an out-of range-answer, he is informed of the correct range. (The instructions prior to the paragraph should indicate this.) After the student has entered numbers, he clicks arrows to apply mathematical calculations to them.


First, instructions appear describing the learning activity, with directions. The student then enters numbers on each blank line, answering the questions. The learning activity shows each number as it is entered. Where indicated, the student clicks arrows to display the results of computations.

Content (Template, replace examples for a new activity):

Instructions (Example, replace for new activity):

How much money are you really earning per hour? What does your unpaid overtime really cost you? In this exercise, you will determine how much you are really earning at your current job.

Paragraph with underlines to indicate blanks (Example, replace for new activity):

  1. Enter your yearly salary in dollars: __________________
  2. Enter the number of hours per week that you are paid to work:___________
  3. Click the arrow to see your hourly rate: _______________
  4. Enter the number of hours per week that you actually work:______
  5. Click the arrow to see your actual hourly rate: _______
  6. Click the arrow to see what you would earn if you got paid for every hour that you worked:______

Optional Ending Text Message (may be a picture). Audio is generally applause. (Example, replace for new activity):

(No message in this example.)

Here is a link for you to check out the above learning activity in action: http://www.syberworks.com/fillintheblankwmath.html

Below are some other situations where the 'Fill in the Blank with Math' learning activity may be useful:

Example: 1 For monetary business calculations, such as mortgage calculations, savings calculations, business expenses, etc.

Example: 2 Testing knowledge of accounting procedures using illustrated math problems.

Example: 3 Using a checkbook and fill-in fields, to demonstrate proper accounts-received and accounts-payable procedures.

If you are looking for parts 1, 2, or 3 of the series Four Basic Flash Learning Activities for e-Learning Development, you can find HTML and PDF versions in the e-Learning Articles section of the SyberWorks Media Center, located at http://www.syberworks.com/e-LearningResources.htm.

About the Author:

Dana Fine is a Senior Instructional Designer at SyberWorks, Inc. SyberWorks is a custom e-Learning solutions company that specializes in Learning Management Systems, e-Learning solutions, and custom online course development. Dana is also a frequent contributor to the Online Training Content Journal

The Online Training Content Journal  Best practices, techniques, and trends in online training development and e-learning instructional design

The Online Training Content Journal blog looks at best practices, techniques, and trends in online training development and e-Learning instructional design.

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