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Episode 22: 2008 Holiday Wrap-Up (Transcript)

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Announcer: SyberWorks podcast. Learn any time, any place.

Welcome to the SyberWorks LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcast Series, where we look at real-world learning management system implementations and e-learning program roll-outs.

SyberWorks specializes in custom e-learning solutions, learning management systems, and e-learning development for corporations, governments, and nonprofits. My name is Mary Kay Lofurno, and I’m the Marketing Director here at SyberWorks, and your host today.

You know, we’ve had a really great year here at the SyberWorks LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcast Series, and we’ve managed to look at how learning management systems and e-learning programs have been implemented across many different industries.

We’ve looked at e-learning programs used to train individuals in information technology, financial services, law enforcement, semiconductor manufacturing, the aerospace industry, consumer products, a regional hospital system.

We also took a break from our normal format and looked at an article by Steve Pena called “10 Tips on LMS Implementation,” which really provided some great tips and help for anyone just beginning in LMS implementation.

You can find these podcasts and their accompanying transcripts in the Media Center on the SyberWorks website.

This is Mary Kay Lofurno, Marketing Director at SyberWorks. We at SyberWorks want to thank you for listening to our LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcast Series, and wish you a happy holiday and a safe New Year. Talk with you next year.


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Waltham, MA 02452

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