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e-Learning Lingo Podcast #98-Biometrics

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Announcer: The e-Learning Lingo Podcast.

Mary Kay Lofurno: Hello, this is Mary Kay Lofurno, Marketing Director here at SyberWorks. Welcome to the 98th episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast series. Last week, Dave Powell talked about “wizards.” This week, Dave defines “biometrics.” So I ask you, do you know your e-learning lingo?

[theme music]

Mary Kay: Hi, Dave. Tell us about biometrics?

Dave Powell: Biometric technologies automatically identify individuals through physical characteristics including their fingerprints, retinas and voice patterns.

Mary Kay: How is this technology used?

Dave: It often screens user access to buildings, restricted areas, computer applications and networks. Biometric information about individuals is stored in a database and is used to allow or block access. Because biometric technology screen what you are rather than what you know, they greatly enhance the security of traditional user names, passwords and identification numbers.

Mary: Thanks Dave, have a great afternoon.

Dave: You too, talk with you soon!

Mary Kay: This is Mary Kay Lofurno, Marketing Director at SyberWorks. Thanks for listening to episode 98 of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast. This week, Dave Powell talked about biometrics. The episode 98 podcast audio and transcript will be posted on the e-Learning Lingo Podcast blog.

Next time on the e-Learning Lingo Podcast, we will talk about a term used in online communications and next generation e-learning applications. Until that time, have a great week.

Announcer: SyberWorks Podcast. Learn any time, any place.


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