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e-Learning Lingo Podcast #53-Participative Design

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Announcer: The e-Learning Lingo Podcast.

Mary Kay Lofurno: Hello! This is Mary Kay Lofurno, Marketing Director here at SyberWorks. Welcome to the 53rd episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast series. Last week, Dave Powell explained Best Practices.

This week, Dave will discuss a term used in Performance Management, “Participative Design.” So, I ask you, do you know your e-Learning Lingo?

[theme music]

Mary Kay: Hi Dave! So, what does Participative Design mean?

David Powell: Participative Design is an important building block for creating a self-managing organization. It is a way to move from a bureaucratic model to one in which people restructure the workplace themselves.

Mary Kay Lofurno: Hmmm, pretty interesting. Thanks for that explanation Dave. Have a great afternoon.

David Powell: You too, talk with you soon!

Mary Kay Lofurno: This is Mary Kay Lofurno, Marketing Director at SyberWorks. Thanks for listening to the 53rd episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast.

This week, Dave Powell discussed Participative Design. The episode 53 podcast audio and transcript will be posted on the e-Learning Lingo Podcast blog.

Next time on the e-Learning Lingo Podcast, we will discuss a term used in e-Learning Development. Until then, have a great week!

Announcer: SyberWorks Podcast. Learn any time, any place.


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