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e-Learning Lingo Podcast #126-Cookies

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Announcer: The e-Learning Lingo Podcast.

Mary Kay Lofurno: Hello. This is Mary Kay Lofurno, Marketing Director here at SyberWorks. Welcome to the 126th episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series. Last week, Dave Powell talked about Skill Inventories. This week, Dave defines Cookies. So I ask you. Do you know your e-Learning Lingo?

[theme music]

Mary Kay: OK, Dave. Tell us about Cookies.

Dave Powell: A cookie is a small text file that is placed on a computer by a website. Its purpose is to record information about the user’s visit to the site. Cookies can be erased from the computer and their automatic data collection can be disabled in the user’s web browser.

Mary Kay: Alright Dave. Could you give us some examples on how cookies are used?

Dave: Sure. Cookies often capture and store a user's Internet activity so that related content, like pertinent advertisements, can be displayed in the future. Also, websites use cookies to remember visitors’ usernames, so that they can be automatically filled in on future visits.

Mary Kay: That sounds good, Dave. Have a great afternoon.

Dave: You, too. Talk to you soon.

Mary Kay: This is Mary Kay Lofurno, Marketing Director here at SyberWorks. Thanks for listening to Episode 126 of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast. This week, Dave Powell talked about cookies. The Episode 126 podcast audio and transcript will be posted on the e-Learning Lingo Podcast blog. Next time on the e-Learning Lingo Podcast, we’ll talk about a term used in learning management.

Until that time, have a great week!

Announcer: SyberWorks Podcast. Learn any time, any place.


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