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SyberWorks e-Learning Podcast Transcript #43: Developing Engaging Online Training with Live Web Cams and Augmented Reality (Transcript)

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Announcer: SyberWorks Podcast. Learn any time, any place.

Mary Kay Lofurno: Welcome to the next edition of the SyberWorks e-Learning Podcast Series. My name is Mary Kay Lofurno. I’m the Marketing Director at SyberWorks and your host today. SyberWorks specializes in custom e-learning solutions, learning management systems, and custom e-learning development for corporations, governments and non-profits.

In this edition, we’re going to be talking with Dave Powell, Documentation Manager at SyberWorks, about his recent articles, “Documentation and e-Learning (Part 4): Get Real! - Use the Web’s Eyes” and “Documentation and e-Learning (Part 5): Get Real! - Try Augmented Reality.”


Mary Kay: Hi, Dave, it's great to have you here on the SyberWorks e-Learning Podcast.

Dave Powell: Great to be here. How are you?

Mary Kay: All right. Let’s get to it. I know you recently wrote a couple of articles, “Documentation and e-Learning (Part 4): Get Real! - Use the Web’s Eyes” and “Documentation and e-Learning (Part 5): Get Real! - Try Augmented Reality.” So, without getting too much into each piece, can you explain your approach to them?

Dave: School teachers know that reality is one of the best instructors. Biology field trips, telescope observations, and even chemistry class explosions, can create faster real learning than lectures or text books. And the discovery and adventure, that accompany real experiences, are powerful drivers for inspiring students to continue learning. Some e-learning programs and materials might also be more effective, if they incorporated real-time, real-world content.

So these first two “Get Real” articles show developers how to make their products more relevant and interesting, and as a result more effective, using two types of real-world content − data feeds from websites and live web cams, and something called augmented reality, which combines dynamic computer generated images with live video feeds. This is especially useful for teaching complex processes like car repair and firefighting, and for certifying students’ competencies after training. It’s pretty riveting stuff.

Mary Kay: Well, Dave, that sounds cool. All right, I know you’re super busy, so I’m going to let you go. Thanks for stopping by, Dave.

Dave: Thank you. Have a great day.

Mary Kay: Folks, please download and read Dave’s articles, because there’s a lot of great information in there and some pretty cool ideas. They’re located in the SyberWorks Media Center under the e-Learning Articles section. Thanks for listening to our podcast today on “Documentation and e-Learning (Parts four and 5)” with Dave Powell, Documentation Manager here at SyberWorks, on the SyberWorks e-Learning Podcast Series. Thanks for joining us today. Have a great week.


Announcer: SyberWorks Podcast. Learn anytime, anyplace.

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